About the Nursing Department:

With the beginning of the academic year 1436/1435 AH corresponding to 2014, a decision was issued to open the Nursing Department in the governorates. The department includes a selection of faculty members in different specializations and with different academic ranks (professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer). The department seeks to prepare distinguished graduates in the fields of nursing, scientific research, who can make effective contributions to community service and actively participate in volunteer work.

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روابط مهمه

الاختبار المعياري


تعلن الكلية الجامعية بالداير عن موعد الاختبار المعياري لطالبات قسم العلوم الطبية ( التمريض ) حضوريا بمقر الكلية وذلك يوم الاحد3/8/1443 الموافق 6/3/2022 الساعة الواحدة بعد الظهر

30 Rajab 1443
College Vision

College Vision:

We seek to reach academic excellence through the application of best educational practices using the latest technology systems, in addition to scientific research, events and community partnerships, leading to academic accreditation for all programs.

Program Vision:

Ensure that the study programs at the College of Nursing are on the right track and that they meet the requirements of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment in Teaching and Learning Standard.

Program Mission:

The Educational Affairs Unit will work together with students and faculty in and outside the college in coordination - guidance - monitoring and support - for all academic activities, which aim to achieve the goals and objectives of the college and graduate skilled professionals in providing highly efficient health care in light of Islamic values and culture.
