Planning and Development Unit

It is a unit of the College's Research and Development Vice- Dean. Concerned with the planning and development of the College, follow-up of the operational plans of the departments of the College, and the preparation of the annual report on the progress of the strategic plan. It cooperates with various units of the College to provide data and files for institutional and programs accreditation.

✍ Vision:

A distinct unit at the college level which seeks to develop and provide organizational, educational, research and community services.

✍ Mission:

We plan, compare and develop to contribute to our college radiation.

✍ Tasks:

  • Building a strategic plan for the College based on the study of the current realities of the College and the need for the community, including the strategic plan of the University and recent trends in this regard. The plan includes vision, message, values, strategic objectives and performance indicators.
  • Contributing to the structure of the College, including the consideration of existing departments and their relevance to the community and proposing new paths to the modern development.
  • To transform the strategic objectives of the College into operational steps and initiatives to be implemented by all departments and academic programs of the College.
  • Prepare an annual report on the efforts of the College and its departments with regard to progress in the implementation of the College's strategic plan.
  • Cooperate with the various units of the College to provide data and files for institutional and programs accreditation.
  • Preparation of development studies in the light of the results of the annual assessment.
  • Other tasks referred to it by His Excellency the Dean of the College