About the Administration

| Vision 

The vision of the Knowledge Resources Management stems from the mission it undertakes in the service of academic and research programs and the development of its services to raise these programs to the highest levels, seeking effectively to support academic and research activities in the university, keeping pace with what we are witnessing in the increase in the volume of electronic information sources and the ways to benefit from them. The Administration has a five-year plan to achieve this vision in response to the increasing growth of information and to support e-learning, which is an important goal in the university education system. Independence and acquiring information literacy for all beneficiaries of the services of the administration, whether individuals or institutions, in order to achieve developmental and educational policies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

| Mission

The Knowledge Resources Management works in its integrated network of libraries to become a modern center of information, by planning, acquiring and providing all necessary resources, both print and electronic, to support the academic and research programs of the university and the community. The Knowledge Resources Management also coordinates with members of the academic staff at the university to enable students to acquire and develop the skills necessary for academic success, in addition to providing the necessary programs to enable information literacy among students and all members of the university.


| Objectives

- Its materials and requirements and the contribution to the service of the entire region in various fields of theoretical and scientific research on modern scientific foundations.
- Adopting modern technologies and keeping pace with its steady developments. This requires that all the contents of the administration has its own features that distinguish it from others.
-  Providing modern communication and information capabilities; So that the administration, with its contents and network of libraries, is an effective link in the international communication network that includes the major libraries of the world at the present time. 
- Interest in information technology as the main source of information in the current century
